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Giyani Town consists of 5 Townships.

Section A was the first township of Giyani which was established in 1979. It currently consists of the Parliament which currently has several departments in it (e.g. SARS) as well as the Mopani District Municipality. The Police Station, Home Affairs, Traffic Department, SASSA as well as Nkhensani Hospital are all situated in Section A.

Section D1 and D2 are very quiet townships. Risenga High School is situated in D2 which has history of Gazankulu.

Section E is well developed township which comprises of middle working class. It is a very big township with various activities.

Section F was the last established township of Giyani. It also has a lot of business opportunities. Shops such as Usave, BP Garage and The Water guys are situated in Section F.

Krememart is situated at in the beginning of Giyani CBD. It consists of the upper middle class of Giyani Town.